Online Registration

Mandalas for Mindfulness

Dates:January 20, 2024
Meets:Sa from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Location:25 Sagamore Road Multi-Media
Cost: $55.00

Sorry, we are no longer accepting registrations for this course. Please contact our office to find out if it will be rescheduled, or if alternative classes are available.

Experience the healing benefits of drawing materials through thelens of mindfulness. During your meditative journey inward and on paper, we will practice drawing mandalas with symmetry to experience focuse, patience, and mindfulness.

You will learn the spiritual history, inner benefits and art techniques to create mandalas in class and at home.


Cancellation Policies

Please read through these policies carefully on our website's policy page. Written notice of cancellations via email (to is required within specified cancellation windows detailed on our website.

Inclement Weather Policy

For information on the Craft Center's inclement weather cancellation policies, please visit our website's policy page. Students are encouraged to also check our homepage and our Facebook page for status updates and closure announcements.

WCC Media Release Policy

We may occasionally use photos of students in promotional materials. Enrollment in one of our courses is consent to WCC using photos/videos of your class participation and/or art work in future advertising. If you would prefer WCC to not use photos of yourself or your enrolled family member, please let us know by filling out the media release form located on our website, and submitting it to

If there is a photographer in your course/workshop, kindly remind them that you have withheld consent to be photographed. If WCC is using your photo in current marketing and you would prefer it not to be used, please let us know by emailing

Questions? Call us at 508.753.8183 X301

Fee: $55.00

Fee Breakdown

Course Fee (Basic)Student Fee$ 40.00
Mandatory FeeMaterials$ 15.00

25 Sagamore Road Multi-Media

Atira Hope

Atira Hope is a local Massachusetts-based artist known for her visionary geometric artwork. Her mission is to promote mindfulness and make her viewers feel at home through her art. Since starting her art career in 2020 she has gathered an almost 60k-strong following across platforms, offers art merchandise, coaching, murals, designs custom tattoos, and teaches workshops in New England and Costa Rica. Her preferred mediums include ink pens for intricate mandalas and acrylic paint for visionary depictions of nature and sacred geometry. Beyond art, Atira finds joy in experiencing live music and pursuing self-development amidst nature and global exploration.